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Be My Patron

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Following in the footsteps of the Knights Templar is my life’s work and has been since 1995 –

I have authored two books and have several other projects that are waiting to be brought to fruition!

The Secret Dossier of a Knight Templar of the Sangreal by Gretchen Cornwall

Research, travel, writing, equipment, and website costs all play a part in my being able to continue this phenomenal journey.

The amount of time invested is more than a full-time job and there are times when a day off is not possible for weeks at a time…

Keeping my SUV roadworthy is also a huge consideration when planning to investigate a Templar location. Not all Templar castles are built near railway stations! 😉

I hope to change our history! Correct misconceptions, find pivotal figures lost in time and restore their rightful place in our collective memory. Perhaps one or two may be your own ancestor?!

I’ve reluctantly taken up the idea of Patreon, but have been encouraged by friends to do so…

I have been very blessed by a handful of very supportive souls who want to see me continue my work.

I am grateful to take them with me wherever I go on my Grail Adventures. I have already been functioning with the blessing of Patrons and will now make it formal! Thank you, my dear Patrons, for the amazing amount of encouragement, wisdom and good company you are! I’ve become good friends with a few of you and look forward to meeting one day! In the meantime, I appreciate you and enjoy your friendship!

History is full of Patrons of the Arts and Sciences. Without them, we would not have such an advanced culture as we enjoy today.

It’s a bit of a surprise to find myself with such great support by my own Patrons!

Without patrons, we would not have masterpieces from artists, musicians, sculptors, or even chemists! The list is long…

I am on a quest for the enigmatic Knights Templar through the centuries and the mysteries of the Holy Grail.

I am also deeply interested in the oddities of history that do not have a voice in the public arena. Anomalies that have been ignored, misfiled, misunderstood, and purposefully left in the dustbin of academic halls.

Perhaps simply because they have not been dusted off and re-examined?

I am on a quest to rediscover our past and investigate our lost inheritance.

Thank you for your support in advance…

Thank you for visiting my site here on Patreon and for considering being my Patron!

Best of Wishes!


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